Zomble is a app concept that was designed as my graduation project in Figma. The app is a friendly Health and Wellbeing tracker for online users wishing to balance out their lifestyle or improve specific goals provided within the app.
Upon finishing a series of short questions, each user is assigned a Zomble depending on how they spend time online. As users complete daily tasks and achievements, their Zomble levels up with them, becoming healthier over time.
It is targeted specifically to young users that use streaming services, video games or social media frequently throughout the day and are not as productive as they should be.

Intro Screens
Users are also able to login with Facebook or Google.
Users are also able to login with Facebook or Google.
User Profile
Onboarding is a significant part of the app development process. On average, 1 in 4 users will abandon an app using it just once, so first impressions matter.
I made a series of instructions to help ease users into the product's experience. These are the first screens a new user sees after launching the app for the first time.​​​​​​​
Notifications provide the user with timely reminders to assist in motivation but also to update the user on their Zomble's status. If the user has not interacted with their Zomble in a couple of days their Zomble slowly starts to wither until it passes out, falling unconscious until the user re-opens the app and completes a task.
This wireframe was used as the basis for my app and outlines its core functions.
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